Social media has become a huge part of our lives. It’s in the news and on TV all the time, but did you know that more than half of all Americans have a social media profile? The fact is, people spend more time on social media than they do using search engines. This means that brands need to be active on these platforms in order to keep up with customers’ daily routines. But how are you supposed to create a strategy for your brand’s engagement on one or more platforms when there are so many different types out there? Well, read on for some tips from experts who can help guide your success.

Know Your Audience
Knowing your audience is the most important part of a social media strategy. Knowing your audience allows you to create content that will resonate with them, and it also allows you to target them with the right message at the right time.
Know What Social Media Platforms Are Best for Your Brand and Use Them Strategically
It’s important to know your audience and the best social media platforms for your brand. If you’re a fashion brand, for example, Instagram and Pinterest are likely better options than Facebook or Twitter because they offer more visual content that’s easier to digest.
If your business has multiple products or services, it’s especially important to consider how each platform will help you achieve different goals:
- Connect with customers in real time – Use social media as another way of communicating with current customers by posting regular updates on Facebook Live or sending out email blasts with links back into the app itself so people can easily follow along without having any experience using these kinds of apps before hand (which most people don’t!). This helps build familiarity between both sides while also making sure new users know what they’re getting themselves into before downloading anything else from us later down the road.”
Create a Compelling Content Strategy
The content you create is the foundation of your social media strategy. If it’s not compelling, no one will engage with it or share it.
Here are some best practices for creating compelling content:
- Create relevant content that speaks to your target audience. You need to know who they are and what they care about before deciding what type of posts you’ll create on each platform–and then do so consistently over time. For example, if someone following me on Twitter sees a post about my recent trip to New York City (relevant), but then also sees a link out there somewhere about how I’m just like every other millennial (irrelevant), then chances are good that person won’t come back here again because I’ve lost their trust as an authority in my field!
- Use the right platform for different types of posts based on their length/depth requirements versus visual appeal versus ease-of-sharing ability etc… It may seem obvious but many people don’t take this into account when deciding where their most valuable content belongs; instead they just throw stuff up everywhere without any thought given towards which channel best serves each specific piece.”
Monitor and Analyze Engagement
Monitoring and analyzing engagement is essential to success. Social media analytics can help you understand your audience, identify trends, and improve your content.
You need to define what you want to achieve with your social media strategy before you start monitoring and analyzing engagement. Do you want more followers? More traffic? More sales leads? Once you’ve identified this goal, use social media analytics tools like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics (for example) to monitor how well it’s working out for you by tracking metrics such as reach or impressions per post or tweet over time; average time spent on page/post/tweet; click-through rates (CTRs), etcetera.”
A social media strategy is the key to success.
Social media is an essential part of your marketing strategy. It’s how you meet new customers and keep the ones you already have, so it’s important to understand how it works before launching into a social media campaign. A social media strategy is the key to success when using these platforms for business purposes. You can use it to:
- Build brand awareness
- Increase sales or customer loyalty
We hope you’re inspired to create a social media strategy that works for your brand. Remember, the key is to be consistent and authentic. If you’re not sure where to start, we can help!