The world is changing at a rapid pace, and many businesses are still trying to figure out how to respond. From technology like virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) to artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other emerging technologies, there’s no doubt that the way we do business will be very different in just a few years. AR and VR are already starting to change our lives – we’re able to see how new clothes would look on us with augmented reality apps like Clothes Horse. It’s only natural that they’ll change our careers as well!
What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment. It can be interacted with in real time and allows for an immersive experience. VR has been around for decades, but it’s only recently that we’ve seen the technology make its way into mainstream culture and become available to consumers at reasonable prices.
VR has many uses: from entertainment (playing games) to education (learning new languages) or training (medicine).
What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows digital content to be overlaid on the real world. It’s used to enhance and enrich real-world experiences, as well as provide information about your surroundings. Augmented reality is also known as mixed reality, or AR.
The Potential of AR and VR in Digital Marketing
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are the future of digital marketing. It’s easy to see why: AR and VR are immersive technologies that can help businesses increase brand awareness and customer engagement, as well as sales. In fact, according to a recent report by Juniper Research, AR/VR will generate $100 billion in revenue by 2020–a huge opportunity for brands looking to capitalize on this technology!
We’ll get into specifics later on in this post but first let’s talk about what exactly Augmented Reality (AR) is? Well it’s basically just adding computer graphics into our real world environment through a smartphone or tablet device like Google Glasses or Samsung Gear VR headsets which allow users wear them while playing games or watching movies together with friends at home without having any trouble seeing each other face-to-face!
Virtual Reality Business Applications
- Selling products and services
- Engaging customers
- Training employees
- Marketing to customers in a new way, such as virtual tours of a new home or office space, or even a ride through an amusement park attraction.
VR can also be used for entertainment purposes, such as providing customers with an immersive experience at their favorite sports stadium or concert venue. The possibilities are endless! It’s also possible that VR could be used in healthcare settings, allowing doctors and nurses more opportunities to practice difficult procedures without putting patients at risk of injury.
Augmented Reality Marketing Opportunities
Augmented reality (AR) provides a unique opportunity for marketers to create more engaging experiences for their audiences. It allows them to create interactive and immersive content that can be accessed through mobile devices, like smartphones or tablets, as well as on computers.
This technology can be used to create personalized marketing campaigns by allowing users who are interacting with AR content an opportunity to interact with brands in a personalized way based on their preferences and past purchases.
Strategies for Incorporating AR and VR into Your Digital Marketing Plan
The first step in creating an AR or VR strategy is to learn more about the technology and its potential to help your business. If you’re not familiar with how it works, we can help:
- What are the different types of AR and VR?
- How do they differ? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
- Which platforms should I use to create content for my audience?
Once you’ve got a handle on these basics, move on to identifying your business goals:
- Do I want more customers or subscribers? How many am I targeting by year’s end (or quarter)? These answers will help guide decisions about which platforms best fit each goal–and when in the sales cycle customers would be most receptive to receiving this kind of content from me. Once those questions have been answered, create a budget based on what makes sense given both where we are now financially as well as our overall marketing strategy over time.
VR Content Creation
VR content creation is a very complex process. It requires time, money and a lot of effort to create compelling VR experiences for your brand. There are many different ways to create VR content: you can use 360-degree cameras like the RICOH THETA or GoPro Fusion; you can shoot with drones; or even use 3D scanning technology (such as Microsoft’s Kinect).
There are also various tools available that make it easier for marketers and developers to produce their own immersive media experiences. For example: Google has made it possible with their Jump platform which allows users to capture VR videos through 360-degree cameras attached directly onto their smartphones (like Samsung Gear 360) instead of having multiple cameras set up around them like traditional setups would require – this means less setup time before filming begins as well as fewer post production steps later on during editing processes since most edits will already have been made automatically by these devices’ built-in software functionality when recording footage from different angles simultaneously at once!
Virtual Reality Advertising
VR ads are a great way to reach your audience in a more immersive and engaging way. They can be used for marketing and advertising, as well as for customer service interactions.
VR ads have also been shown to be more effective than traditional advertising when it comes to brand recall and purchase intent. This is because VR ads put the user at the center of attention, making them feel like they’re part of the story being told by an advertiser; therefore, they tend to remember brands better after viewing them through VR goggles than before doing so.
Augmented Reality Campaigns
Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive technology that allows users to view and interact with the real world through their mobile devices. AR can be used to engage customers, drive sales, promote brands and increase awareness of products or services. Here are some examples:
- Promote your brand by placing ads on billboards within the game environment that players can see while they play. This helps you build engagement with your target audience and encourages them to interact with what’s being advertised in order for them to get more information about it when they leave the game space.* Promote a product or service by placing 3D objects inside an app so people can see how it looks before buying it or getting more information about it.* Create urgency around something important like an upcoming sale or deadline by putting up posters around town showing times when you’ll be selling items at reduced prices.
Collaboration with AR/VR Influencers
Influencers are one of the best ways to get your message out there. They have loyal followers who trust them, so they’re more likely to listen when an influencer tells them about a new product or service.
If you want to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website, working with an influencer can be helpful. For example, if there’s a specific type of product that’s relevant for one of their followers but not another, then it’s worth reaching out and asking if they’d be interested in reviewing it for their readership. You’ll also want to make sure that whatever messaging goes along with this campaign aligns closely with what those people want from their experience (i.e., if someone wants something educational instead of just entertainment).
Businesses need to be prepared for the future of augmented reality and virtual reality so they can stay ahead of the curve.
As a digital marketer, you’re probably familiar with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). You’ve seen it used as an immersive gaming experience or even in sporting events like the Super Bowl.
But what exactly is AR? And how can you use it to your advantage? Let’s take a look at what this technology has to offer.
With the popularity of AR and VR continuing to rise, businesses need to be prepared for the future of augmented reality and virtual reality so they can stay ahead of the curve. It’s not just about getting your hands on some hardware or software; it’s also about understanding how these technologies can benefit your brand in unique ways. By considering these factors before jumping into any new technology project, you’ll be able to better predict its success or failure within your company as well as come up with strategies for implementing different aspects of it effectively (such as content creation).